Tuesday, January 20, 2015

because you're worth it.

Recently, I've been seeing a plethora of proposal pictures and baby announcements. I know you girls know what I'm talking about - they've taken over my facebook homepage and have even peeked their way into my Instagram feed. Then there's the promotion status or the link to the magazine article highlighting how your friend from high school just started a not for profit - then you think, what on earth have I done?!?
I hear you. I feel you. That's exactly where I am. Sometimes I feel like I am a step ahead though, but at the same time I feel losing out as well - I have a college degree and I'm working retail. Not that I don't love me job; I come across all walks of life, the company I work for is incredible and my coworkers.. Well, there are no words for them. But there are definitely no magazine articles about me or honorable mentions. So what am I doing wrong? 
Today seemed worse than other days though - maybe last nights fight with my boyfriend triggered these feelings, but I was having a very bad day. My boyfriends mother invited for me dinner, and we got to talking. She told me that there are two people one can bring home, someone who tears apart a family & someone that brings the family together - and that I am the latter. That she sees the happiness and calmness in her son, and that she attributes much of that to me. And I got to thinking, maybe our mark in life isn't about starting a new business or selling a new product. Maybe our mark in life is the people we touch.. At the end of the day, we won't be buried with any of our material things - all that remains of us is the legacy we've left with people, by how we've cared for them and touched them. 
So, to all those 20-something's or even 30-something's still unsure about their place in the world. Just stop. Chances are you've got a sibling who looks up to you, a parent who loves you, a significant other who considers you a rock or a friend who wouldn't know what they'd do without you. That is enough. You are enough. And just remember, that everyone feels alone, confused and lost sometimes. Take my decision to quit my job and move to New Jersey to be with my boyfriend - it was the scariest thing, jumping into the unknown. Five months after, I'm still struggling to find my place but these difficult moments continue to build me. They continue to remind me what I'm made of, capable of and that nothing can break me. And even if in five months this turns out to be the biggest flop, I will never regret the journey I took - even though the moment is excruciating and painful, you'll realize it's only to test you, and remind you just how strong you are. Never forget how strong you are. And remember, sometimes it's okay to feel hurt, to feel lost. But never give in. Because you're worth so much more! 

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